
“In 2017 the South Dakota Department of Tourism embarked on a mission to provide relevant, timely information to our industry members. Therefore, we immediately launched a travel publishing, public relations and branding webinar series with Kit and her company We partnered with Kit because she is very familiar with our state's challenges, values, culture and personality. That coupled with her strategic, forward-thinking approach and collaborative style were just what our office and industry members needed. While Kit's journalism and marketing experience challenged us to think differently and beyond what's comfortable, her strategic thinking and recommendations were on-target, relevant and attainable for our state. I didn't have to worry once about the presentations getting done or containing the content we sought. Kit understood our vision and exceeded our expectations. The partnership proved invaluable.”

— Katlyn Richter
Global Media & Public Relations Director
South Dakota Department of Tourism


“We asked Kit to be a part of a travel writer panel during our annual Governor’s Conference on Tourism because we knew she would provide the relevant information that our industry is looking for. And she didn’t disappoint. Kit’s message for our audience was 100% on point, and she gave them real advice that they could take home and apply right away. Kit also did her research on our event prior to the conference, asked us great questions about what our audience was looking for, and tied in with the conference theme whenever it was appropriate. Her mix of experience, from travel marketing to travel writing, was an excellent combination for our needs, and I would highly recommend her for any type of speaking engagement.”

— Wanda Goodman, Deputy Secretary and Media & Industry Relations Manager
South Dakota Department of Tourism


“Kit participated as a speaker on a panel for the Global Greeter Network 2014 Annual Meeting exploring Marketing Trends for Tourism Today and Beyond with a focus on social media. Kit's responses grounded in her experience as a travel writer and marketing strategist were rich, insightful and injected with humor. What she had to say resonated with the group of international attendees representing various levels of marketing expertise.”


— Katie Law, Manager of Greeter Services Choose Chicago


“While serving as the lead publicist for the Society of American Travel Writers, I worked very closely with Kit on a daily basis, covering everything from short lists of talking points to grand, visionary strategic marketing campaigns. Her subject matter expertise of the travel marketing industry is unparalleled, and clearly reflects her ability to synthesize years of intelligence, an understanding of industry trends, and all-around common sense in a way few can do. The Society benefited handsomely from her leadership on all its global marketing outreach, and she’s the right person to consult for any business seeking top goals in the travel industry.”


— Bobby Zafarnia, Founder & President of Praecere Interactive


“When I became president of the Society of American Travel Writers in 2011, one of my goals was to increase the marketing efforts of SATW. To spearhead that task I chose Kit Bernardi, who worked energetically and effectively with the SATW Marketing Committee and the agency hired by the Society. Kit is one of those rare individuals who has a background in editorial work and marketing—experience that proved invaluable to SATW during the time she was a Board member. I would choose Kit for any marketing effort—any task, really—knowing that when she commits she carries through with savvy and passion.”


— Dale Leatherman, SATW Past President & Travel Journalist

Kit Consults

I provide freelance writing and brand-building, integrated communications services through my Chicago-based company Kit Bernardi & Associates (founded in 1996). By blending two decades of hands-on skill as a travel writer, editor and photographer with years of big agency and international corporate marketing experience, I provide clients with creative, full-circle thinking.
I know how to position a brand; develop creative concepts; manage multi-disciplinary marketing campaigns; write strategic plans, speeches and promotional materials; create customized media relations training programs; leverage social media; design and execute special events; and work with project teams to achieve their objectives.
My portfolio includes work for Hilton Hotels Corporation, United Airlines, Silver Wings Plus, ARCO Chemical Company and projects for travel, tourism, food, product, packaged goods, real estate and service clients.

Work History

Frankel & Company – Account Management Director

Developed brand-building marketing plans and managed multi-million dollar, integrated public relations-promotional programs for international, national and regional clients including United Airlines, ARCO Chemical Company, Dayton Hudson, Target Stores, Oscar Mayer Food Corporations and McDonald's. Provided senior level cunsultation for crisis management corporate positioning, employee relations and new product launches. Wrote executive speeches, training materials and awards presentations.

Hilton Hotels Corporation – Hilton Chicago & Midwest Region Public Relations Director

Supervised consumer and trade media relations. Developed marketing programs targeting leisure, convention, corporate meeting, group and independent business traveler market segments. Responsible for crisis management and internal communications. Negotiated hotel product placement in Hollywood productions and managed on-site filming.

McCormick Taussig & Associates, Inc. – Public Relations Director

Franklin College – International Student Director

WFXW-AM Radio – News Announcer & Show Host

Loyola University – Television Host & Producer


For more, download Kit's resume.